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Displaying Results 31 - 37 of 37
Peter Kline finished the Alaska Airlines Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Marathon to round out a 100-mile weekend. Rock 'n' Roll

Runner Shares His Journey with Disabled Children

06/19/2017, 2:30am EDT

Peter Kline finds a higher purpose in running.

Tag(s): Seattle  Runner Story 

Kamika Smith Don Norcross

Kamika Smith Ready for His 100th Rock 'n' Roll Race

06/15/2017, 9:00am EDT

This Kauai native has quite the running resume.

Tag(s): Seattle  Runner Story 

Ed Wilkinson Rock 'n' Roll

My First 5k Following a Heart Attack

03/20/2017, 12:00am EDT

73-year-old Ed Wilkinson reflects.

Tag(s): Runner Story 

Stallworth posing with his model runrocknroll

10-Year NFL Wide Receiver Runs His First Half Marathon

03/13/2017, 1:00am EDT

Donte Stallworth rocked it in DC.

Tag(s): Washington DC  Runner Story 

Calene posing with his 100th sign Rock 'n' Roll

Jeff Calene Conquers His 100th Rock 'n' Roll Race

03/13/2017, 1:00am EDT

This prolific runner shares his story.

Tag(s): Washington DC  Runner Story 

Selfie of Amanda in winter like conditions Amanda Schwartz

My Pace is My Business

02/16/2017, 6:15pm EST

I am a slow runner. A proud slow runner.

Tag(s): Runner Story 

Amber Hadigan with two others posing with shamrocks Amber Hadigan

Joys from the Back of the Pack

02/03/2017, 9:15pm EST

What one runner has learned by taking up the rear.

Tag(s): Community  Runner Story 

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Displaying Results 31 - 37 of 37