Whether you're starting out, spreading your wings, giving back or living large, Rock 'n' Roll Running Series has a program to take your experience with Running, Music, and our Community to the next level!
You've trained hard, now let us take care of all the race weekend details for you. Our VIP packages feature the best amenities for your race – parking, catering, private gear check and so much more. Find a VIP package at your event and feel like a Rock Star on race day.
View our VIP Packages.
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series charity partner packages include: Roadie, Superstar, Rockstar, and Hall of Famer. These packages provide the opportunity to leverage our platform to share knowledge, recruit individuals, create a sense of community, and raise funds.
See our Charity Programs.
With community being a core pillar of the Rock 'n' Roll Running Series, we are dedicated to improving the communities where our events are held. Learn more about Rock This Town!
Movers and Shakers - apply here! The Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series attracts world renowned athletes and local rising stars to compete in the series of events spanning the globe. We invite you to race in our fun, competitive and world class events. See all requirements and apply.