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The Best Spectator Signs Over the Years

By Rock 'n' Roll, 09/15/22, 12:00PM EDT


These inspiring and hilarious signs are sure to keep you moving on course.

SEPT. 15, 2022

Whether you’re running your first race or are a seasoned vet, cheers and signs from spectators will always help keep you going. At Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series events around the world, our sidelines are packed with supportive friends, family, and fans with some of the best spectator signs we have ever seen.  

Next year we are keeping our eyes peeled for those fun spectator signs. Some of our favorite ones may even get a special shout out on social media!  

Let these motivational (and hilarious) sign ideas inspire you and your support crew for your next race.

Run like the world is running out of pumpkin spice everything 

Is there any season superior to pumpkin spice season? This scare tactic would certainly get us moving. What would have you running faster than the speed of light if the world was running out? 

Hurry Up, Beer Misses You

What better motivation is there than a nice, cold beer at the end of a long race? At most of our races, participants can party at the Finish Line Festival and enjoy a drink on us!

Run like your mom just used your full name 

Just the thought of this alone has us running. Did you read this and instantly hear your mom’s voice booming in your head? Well, use that sense of panic to push you closer to that finish line! 

If you think this is hard, try dating in DC

While we can't speak to the dating scene in DC, we can definitely shout out signs that represent the local community. When your run gets tough, seeking out those funny spectator signs may just give you the smile you need to keep going. 

It wasn’t easy waking up early to make this sign either!


Being a spectator is a hard job, but someone’s got to do it. We love seeing those hard-working spectators out on the course on race morning. Thanks to them, laughter definitely makes that next mile slightly easier. 

Honorable Mentions 

The above signs are some of our favorite spectator signs, but we couldn’t forget some laugh-worthy runners up: 

  • Blisters are always in season 
  • Free fist bumps 
  • Hurry! I’m getting tired just watching you. 
  • Hurry! Let’s go eat!
  • Your AWESOME is showing! 
  • We made YOU a sign! 
  • Don’t stop, people are watching. 
  • Fist bump here for infinite energy! 
  • Why do all the cute ones run away? 
  • 26.2? Hold my sign 
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